Pamo and I have finished our virtual comic Tic-Tac-Toe Game. And we have Simulblogged (or something like that) so you can see all about it!
So first please go to
Pamo's blog,
here, and see our finished tic-tac-toe board. There Pamo will tell you the story of our collaboration. And then - don't forget to come back!! Promise?! Come back
please, and there is more..the pictures in order, and a story.
Back so soon? Great! Here are the pictures we made in order. After that is a story that Pamo wrote (and that I contributed to) that is based on the pictures:
Square 1 |
Square 2 |
Square 3 |
Square 4 |
Square 5 |
Square 6 |
Square 7 |
Square 8 |
Square 9 |
Pamo vs. The Old Man
Square 1
It was a sunny day full of promise and sunshine. Pamo looked at Scooter and said, “Let’s go to Circle Park and have a picnic lunch.”
“Woof! Woof!"
Square 2
Pamo and Scooter jumped in the car, top down, picnic basket in the back, excited to be going to Circle Park where the trees grow tall and the grass feels silky. “There’s that nice Old Man enjoying his daily walk.”
“Hi!” Pamo shouted and began to wave. “See you in the park.”
Scooter wagged his tail and barked, “Woof! Woof!” to the bird flying above. And they continued on their winding path to Circle Park, leaving the Old Man to enjoy his exercise.
Square 3
The Old Man relies on his daily walks to keep himself in shape. He uses his cane. He doesn’t really need it much, but it keeps the dogs and birds at bay. Circle Park is the perfect place to exercise and then relax.
As the Old Man sat down on the bench, SPLAT! The bird pooped on his head!
“Darn bird! Watch where you’re flying up there,” he yelled as he shook his cane. He pulled out his handkerchief and wiped the bird poo off his head. He thought,
Maybe now I can get some peace and quiet. I think I’ll just rest my eyes. He began to snore.
The bird liked the Old Man. His head was shaped like a giant cue tip, with curly cotton hair, perfect for her nest! “Tweet, tweet,” she sang and then swooped down low and PING! She plucked a strand from his head.
He woke with a start. His hand flew to his head, “Ow! Bird! Stop pestering me.” His arms shot up and he grabbed for the little bird.
Square 4
“Got you now, Bird!”
The little bird looked at the Old Man who now held her tail feathers in his hand. She dangled there not quite sure what to do.
Square 5
“Drop the bird Old Man!” Pamo couldn’t believe her eyes! What a cruel old man! Poor little bird!
Scooter sat watching the bird when suddenly Pamo threw the apple from the picnic basket at the Old Man.
Square 6
In a flash, the Old Man and Pamo balled up in a fight, the bird just above the fray. Scooter barked, “Woof! Woof!” The apple lay on the ground while the bird flew high in the sky.
Square 7
Suddenly, the Old Man went sailing overhead, the little bird soaring with him. Pamo landed on the ground while Scooter gawked in amazement.
Square 8
When the Old Man tumbled down, he was wound up like a pretzel. Pamo folded her arms, and practically floated with pride and confidence.
“Have no fear! I can fix you! I’m practically a doctor!” she said. She began to unfold the Old Man.
Square 9
The Old Man worried that all was not well. “I don’t think you fixed me right,” he said, as he looked himself over.
But Pamo knew better. She was satisfied with a job well done. She had fixed the old man, and made her dog happy too.
“Oh, you’re fine,” she said, as she bit into her sandwich. What a beautiful day it was!
Scooter was satisfied too.
Oh, you’re fine, Scooter thought, as he bit into the giant and juicy bone that Pamo had given her. Pamo was wonderful! It
was a great day!
And the bird was happy too. All that curly cotton hair, here for the taking, and no one seemed to care. She was going to have the best nest ever!
Thank you to Matt Madden who came up with the idea for the collaboration, which was great fun and very rewarding for Pam and me. You can see his post about it