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12" x 16" watercolor on Arches hot press paper |
You did vash yur hands? Und you are completely sterilized? Gut.
Today ve are going to perform an experiment. As vith all experiments, ve must approach ze matter szientifically, yes?
Purpose: To paint a cityscape in a loose manner [vithout detail, yes?].
Hypothesis: That I can make a picture using a new way [to me], namely upright and wet-on-wet in parts and wet-on-dry in parts to form a scene.
Procedure: To paint in watercolor on a 12" x 16" watercolor block [I bought ze block at a sidevalk sale for a song (It vas Edelweiss), und I had never used a vatercolor block before vhich vas fun] and to stand the block upright on my easel allowing the paint to drip with impunity. To paint some parts wet and leave other parts dry, and to build up color and value through layering. [I'd been inshpired by un artist (now forgotten) zat I saw on a Youtube veedeo zat vould vet parts and leave other parts very dry, und combine zeese in a creative manner.]
Results: Above. [Vell, everything got kinda vet. I found myself over-enthoosed und painting fast und recklessly und vith abandon - voo!hoo! - und utimately found zat leaving dry spots in ze middle of ze painting, like ze artist I had seen, didn't vork vith tall buildings. Und I had to lay ze block flat to paint ze cars.]
Conclusion: Next time I try this, I need to plan a bit better and slow down some, but I am pleased with the free dripping effect. The simplification lessons learned from Frank Eber, here, and Terry Miura, here, helped. [So ze buildings are a bit vonky, the cars vonky, everything vonky, but somehow it vorked.]
Gut, then, ve are done for the day. Don't step on ze cat on ze vay out.