Sunday, July 27, 2014

On the Way to Somewhere

"On the Way to Somewhere"  14"x 14" acrylic on canvas
There are two family members that I always show my work to.

The first, my valued critic - who brutally tells it like it is every time, and so helps me improve my work - loved this one.  

The second, when I texted this image to her, did not respond for a good forty minutes.  When she finally did, it was with the word I was fully expecting.  "Interesting."  

She went on to say, "The man is scary looking.  Don't like this one as much as the one you gave me."  

She was referring to the other recent abstract that I posted in my June 29th post, here.  She loved that one. The funny thing is that my valued critic hated it.

So if I can imagine that each of these family critics represents 50% of the population, then I have 100% covered, don't you think?

Saturday, July 19, 2014


Well, once again I'm inspired to dabble in another side of art - webcomics.  Pamo has inspired me once again.  Visit her site if you have a chance.

This is a tryout.  I actually made it a bit too big to scan - so here's what the formatting looks like, snapped from my cell phone:

Every now and then, in between fine art works (at least I hope they're fine!) I may do a comic or two, and play with different styles, etc.  I have some ideas - this was, in my mind, the least funny of the lot (although hopefully still funny) so I figured I'd start here.  Hope you liked it!

I have another painting that needs an ever-so-minor touch-up first, that I'll post next.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

The Summoning

5" x 7" ink and watercolor 

This started with random marks on the page.
Then it appeared to me that a person was there.

So I called to him with my brush and paints.

And there he was.

Sunday, July 6, 2014


"An Ordinary Day" 6" x 6" acrylic on board

Periodically at this blog, when I comment on where I live I learn that folks have all kinds of fanciful images of Miami.

Here's one you might not have thought of.  I have peacocks strolling about my neighborhood.  One in particular - we call him Gary - hangs around at the end of our block.  He's a repeated source of delight.  No matter what I might be thinking about, when I see Gary I pause in wonder.

Not so this woman.  This painting is from a few photos I have taken, one of a woman at a bus stop, and one, of course, of Gary. I like the dichotomy.  The landscape is completely invented.  I learned a lot about composition with this one.