Thursday, October 1, 2009

Illustration Friday: Pattern

This is my submission for Illustration Friday. The theme this week was "pattern". Technically speaking, I've just spent an extraordinary amount of time trying to place my thumbnail on their website. I finally succeeded, though I have no idea how! So now it's extraordinarily late! And tomorrow I'm going to be extraordinarily tired! So for once I'll just let the picture (which is worth a thousand words anyway) speak for itself.


  1. This is awesome. What a great idea for "pattern" - what represents a pattern more than this??? Good job.

  2. CLEVER!!! Congratulations on actually getting it posted, too . . . it's a wonderful image!!!

  3. Very Creative! Love the "little old woman." She's got lots of character.

  4. I love this - such a 'happy' sketch. Wonderful idea - you are so imaginative!

  5. I love the whole concept. Really cool.

  6. The creativity in this one blew me away! What a terrific idea. And this is the pattern I see when flying overhead--little did I know it was because of a little old lady gone mad with knitting! Now, was this lady drawn from imagination, or a reference used?? Because you got her gesture just right, very difficult from imagination. At least, for me!

  7. I love your idea of pattern. You put it in context of daily life instead of a picture of just a pattern by itself. Very smart and inventive.

  8. Thanks all, so much. Raena, the woman was from three photos, one for the head, one for the knitting hands, and one for the remainder of the body. I guess that would make her a bit like Frankenstein. I also found a photo of fields on a hill and another of the interior of a cabin to use as rough guides for my imaginary setting. So this one took a lot more effort than most Moleskine pages! Your favorite color, Green, was delightful, but the browns - so dull - I had to work to try to enliven them and to distinguish the different wood elements in the picture.

  9. Lovely composite! I like how her knitting is flowing out the door, seeing the world.

  10. ^^ creative and adorable! I would love to meet this grandma who's able to knit landscape... and actually when you're on a plane and about to land, that's exactly what you see! And because I fly to different continents, I notice a lot of different kinds if I were to compare the ones I saw in Dallas and the ones in Germany.... Texas is just huge big squares everywhere...and Germany is more like zentangles ^^
    I love your approach Dan, like always. And thank you so much for your comments on my take on Tanna. She really likes it, and she even put it up as her profile picture on facebook :) And yes, I really hope that we could meet someday soon. Road trips are usually always fun!

  11. Hey you have moved quite a bit forward with your art by adding perspective and environment! Great job!

  12. A wonderful mix of creativity
    and humor here, Dan.

    Love every thing about your illustration:
    all of the details in that little wooden cabin, the expression on the old lady's face,

    and of course, her labor of love,
    that incredible

